Madrid based watercolor artist

Tatiana Paravisini watercolor art for sale and watercolor clases
"Rheum rhabarbarum"
31x41 cm
Watercolor on cotton paper
Art is anything that stirs emotions in you.
Making art is impossible without art lovers.

Welcome to the Tatiana Paravisini artist's page.
If interested in purchase or just want to have a look on a catalog
please mail to tparavisini@gmail.com
or visit online art gallery shop:


Tatiana grow up with a family that encouraged her and provided opportunities to pursue her passion of drawing. She also spent much of her teenage years at the art museums. But following family traditions she graduated as a geologist. After 12 years making career in the petroleum business she finally broke apart from the corporate world to be a full time artist. From 2016 she is located in Madrid, Spain.

The artist works predominantly in watercolors, creating beautiful realistic and semi abstract pieces. She's influenced by the light, color and transparency of the watercolors as well as the depth and luminosity. She is experimenting with many different styles, including realism, impressionism and abstract. Watercolors are vivid, alive, unpredictable and Tatiana's strategy is to not to control the paint but to cooperate with it.





Tatiana's method emphasizes step-by-step guidance for watercolor painting in a comfortable environment that is non-judgmental. When the watercolor brush meets paper there is no right or wrong.

Languages spoken: Russian, English, Spanish.

All photo and video materials belong to their owners and are used for demonstration purposes only. Please do not use them in commercial projects.
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